17st January:

St. Anthony Abate’s Day and the bonfires night.

Good Friday:

Procession of the Dead Christ.

Easter morning(12 0’clock a.m. on the dot):

Animated procession of the “Madonna che vèle”(the flight of the Madonna”).


“Muntaign in Jazz”( Jazz International Festival).

“Sapore e sapere del farro”: wine and gastronomic specialities.

Patron Saints’ Days.

November: 2nd Sunday :

“Thanksgiving Day”

5th January-Rivisondoli:

Living Nativity Scene.

6th January-Pettorano sul Gizio:

The “Polenta”Festival.

Shrove Tuesday-Sulmona:

Carnival parade and entertainments.

HOLY WEEK: Good Friday-Sulmona:

Procession of the Dead Christ.

Easter morning-Sulmona:

Animated procession of the “Madonna che scappa”(The”running Madonna”).

1st Thursday of May-Cocullo:

St. Dominic Abate and the Procession of the snake-charmers.

1st half of June-Raiano:

“Cherries” festival.

1st half of June-Bugnara:

“Pecorino” cheese festival.

1st half of July-Campo di Fano:

“Red garlic”festival.


Open air dinners in the medieval and renaissance suburbs and districts.

Last weekend of July-Sulmona:

Jousting Knights.

1st weekend of August-Sulmona:

Jousting Knights of Europe.

14th August-Scanno:

“Il catenaccio”: a re-enactment of an ancient wedding procession.

29th August-L’Aquila:

The“Perdonanza”: celebration of the crowning of Pope Celestino the fifth.

September: 1st Sunday-Pacentro:

The”Corsa degli zingari”(The fleeing gypsies): a hard, bare foot down on a rocky ridge.

10th November-Scanno:

The “Glorie”: huge bonfires more than 20 metres high.